Olga Egorova

Olga Egorova

Olga Egorova

Director of the Project Office on International Cooperation | Moscow State Linguistic University

Professor Olga Egorova is Director of the Project Office on International Cooperation at Moscow State Linguistic University and Professor of conference interpreting and translation at the Department of Translation and Interpreting at this university.

A practicing conference interpreter and translator. Has been an invited presenter/expert at numerous events in the European institutions, the UN, WIPO, ILO and other international organizations. Researches changes in the paradigm of the translation/interpreting profession, has been talking at various events on the issue of “blended profession”/artificial intelligence impact on the profession and has been invited to speak and to be an expert at a number of international panels and working groups on interpreting, translation and terminology.

Editorial Member of Babel journal.  Peer reviewer of the Cuadernos de Rusistica Espanola

Author of 3 monographs, a textbook and more than 100 articles in national and international journals. Has 3 registered IP items. Is a holder of a number of international grants and projects; supervisor of 3 PhD students in international PhD courses.